Tuesday, December 14, 2010

November Progress

It's taken me a little while to post about my November progress... the holiday season is fun but can be so busy!  But I'm pleased to say that in the 1st full month after Gastric Mind Band I lost 1.8 lbs, despite having not one, not two, but three Thanksgiving dinners right before the end of the month weigh-in!  The December weigh-in is only a couple weeks away and I'm looking forward to having even better numbers to report... without three holiday dinners to interfere.  My family does most of our Christmas gatherings in the beginning of January, so I should have most of that month to recover from whatever damage I do on the holiday.

Have a fab day!

FTC disclaimer: Since I am blogging about the experience, the Gastric Mind Band service was provided at no charge.


Cammy@TippyToeDiet said...

Looks like a great November to me! Well done!

Corletta said...

You've just reminded me how crazy the family gathering can get. I, too, had numerous Thanksgiving and Christmas family gatherings. Love them, but they sure are full of not so healthy food...